Agricultural Cooperative Kileler - About the Partnership

The Agricultural Cooperative Kileler founded in 2013 in the historical district of Kileler and intends to play a leading role in the area of food and agriculture in the region of Thessaly.
Our goal is both to serve our region's producers offer their products but goodwill and modern organization and management services and also offer the consumer pure and high nutrition value products.
In this context, we participate in various community programs focusing on capacity building, organizing and optimizing production and product quality..
Our products are produced exclusively in "Thessaly’s Land" and bearing the same name names which soon aspire to be a synonym of pure products.
The basic services offered by the cooperative to its members and not only have to do with the scientific support of their crops, but also the technical support of their individual business.
Our cooperation works on a modern constitution, based on the new law on agricultural organizations (n.4015 of 2011) and an Internal Regulation that takes into account all modern business organization rules.
The basics of the Association's governing bodies are the Governing Council and the General Assembly of its members (see Registry members Kileler DP). Provided however, the establishment of individual producer groups for products of particular interest to the functioning of Management Committees and production and sales managers of these products.
The Board
Mousios Kon. Apostolos
Chairman of Agricultural Cooperative Kileler.Tsiantos Vasil. Konstantinos
Vice president of Agricultural Cooperative KilelerSveronis Triantaf. Athanasios
General Secretary of Agricultural Cooperative KilelerGkemas Kon. Nikolaos
Board Treasurer of Agricultural Cooperative KilelerDimopoulos Zissis Grigorios
Board Member of Agricultural Cooperative Kileler